Saturday, March 13

tulip "Heart's Delight"

Here's a Delight for the soul, March 13, my Heart's Delight tulips have poked through the ground and are basking in the sun. I took the picture and immediately put fencing around them. You can best believe that if I found them, so will my local deer neighbors.
This is what they will look like sometime in April. I borrowed the picture from Van Bloem Gardens catalog, I'll have my own soon enough. Heart's Delight opens like a waterlily flower in full sun and has funky maroon and green leaves.


Tootie said...

Those are beautiful! Keep those deer away. :) I want to see them when they're in bloom. Don't you just love Spring with flowers popping up everywhere.

Terry said...

I'm just ready to see ANY sign of spring!! Bunch of tulips sound mighty good right now!